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  • Setting up a Site/House in Sitemap

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    Setting up a Site/House in Sitemap

    Portal Properties

    Clicking on the house icon opens the Portal Properties menu, from which all of the primary website settings can be configured. Certain aspects of the Portal Properties are developed prior to deploying the website. However, a site administrator may edit a variety of data points based on the needs of the site over time. All information stored within the Portal Properties is developed to behave and appear in specific ways across a website, pulling information from these settings dynamically based on preprogrammed rules.

    General Settings

    The General tab includes some basic information regarding the company, including contact information and what is known as an “Upsell Message”, customizable by site administrators to display unique content when a user reaches an error or unauthorized page. This data is dynamically pulled into different areas of the site, including error pages.

    Name of Field (* = required field) Type of Data Description of Data
    Company (Abbreviation) Plaintext Abbreviated company name
    Company (Full Name) Plaintext Full company name
    Website Title Plaintext Appended to the page name of each webpage (ie. “Home - Apprende”)
    Contact Email Plaintext Primary email address of the site administrator or company
    Contact Phone Number Plaintext Primary phone number of the site administrator or company
    Contact Fax Number (optional) Plaintext Primary fax number of the site administrator or company
    Contact Address 1 Plaintext Primary street address of site administrator or company
    Contact Address 2 Plaintext Secondary street address of site administrator or company (such as apartment, suite, etc.)
    Contact City, State Zip Plaintext City, state, and zip code of site administrator or company
    Home Page Plaintext URL slug of the homepage.  Clicking on the site logo or “Home” links will navigate to this specific page.  Defaults to “~/Default.aspx”
    Upsell Message WYSIWYG Rich-Text Editor

    Rich-text editor textbox used to display a custom upsell message to unauthorized users who attempt to access an authorized page.  Users who have not logged in may instead be taken to the default Member Login page.

    Logged-in users may also see this message if they attempt to access pages they are not authorized to view.

    Appearance Settings

    The site appearance settings are broken into three different sub-sections: Brand, Printer Friendly, and Footer. While these settings will dictate the default appearance of an entire website, each individual page can be customized to appear with different styles.


    The “Default Brand” field provides a dropdown list of all available CSS styles that have been built for a site. The CSS code dictates every aspect of the visual representation of a website. Custom CSS code can be written to provide a variety of “themes” depending upon what is required of the website. Each individual page has this same list available within their details to select an individual theme for a page where desired.
    By default, all newly created pages will inherit the brand of the parent page. In many cases, the “parent” page is the Portal, and all child pages will continue to inherit that default theme if no other brand is selected.


    The “Printer-Friendly Page” is what appears when users click a link to view a “printer-friendly” version of a webpage. It typically removes all CSS styles and provides a basic HTML mock-up of the page to condense content and remove the need for excessive ink when printing a webpage.
    The “Header Content” and “Footer Content” fields provide SmartDoc pickers to choose manually created headers and footers to printer friendly pages, typically in the form of HTML snippets.


    The “Footer” is what appears at the bottom of every page within a website. These can be custom-built by developers, or a site administrator can build a new SmartDoc to supply in this field to display under the primary content of every page. Headers and footers display on every webpage, and while headers typically display organization logos and navigation, footers typically display contact information as well as social media links.

    Membership Settings

    The settings contained within the Membership header primarily dictate the textual representation of the “Login” template. Users are typically prompted to login when they attempt to access pages for site members only. All text on the login template is customizable through these settings.


    Name of Field (* = required field) Type of Data Description of Data
    Header Text Plaintext Displayed above the username and password fields
    Username Label Text Plaintext Displayed next to the “username” field
    Password Label Text Plaintext Displayed next to the “password” field
    Forgot Password Label Text Plaintext Text displayed as the “Forgot Password” link
    Remember-Me Label Text Plaintext Displayed next to the “remember-me” checkbox
    Login Button Text Plaintext Text applied to the “Login” button
    Failure Text Plaintext Text that displays following a failed login attempt
    Locked Out Text Plaintext Message after too many failed login attempts
    Customer Service Message SmartDoc Picker SmartDoc content displayed on the top-right of the login template
    Account Switching Checkbox Enables the ability for an authenticated (logged in) user to switch their identity to an Institution login

    Password Recovery

    Name of field (* = required field) Type of Data Description of Data
    Title Plaintext Title for the Forgot Password template
    Instructions Plaintext Displayed under the title, provides specific instructions to reset a password
    Label Plaintext Displayed next to the text field for a user to submit their username
    Button Text Plaintext Text applied to the “Submit” button
    Failure Text Plaintext Message displayed upon password reset failure
    Success Message Plaintext Message displayed upon successful processing (email sent to user)


    The Navigation section contains only three editable properties:

    • Top Nav Starting Offset - specifies the page level in the sitemap that will display in the top navigation (numeric value 2 - 9)
    • Display Left Nav (optional) - checkbox that enables or disables the use of the left-hand navigation
    • Left Nav Depth - specifies the page level in the sitemap that will display in the left-hand navigation pane (numeric value 2 - 9)

    The “Top Navigation” pane includes the tabs that will appear across the Header section of each webpage. The visual appearance of the header is defined by the “Brand” selected on each page, and links will dynamically appear if selected within the individual page properties. By default, the top navigation pane will always appear on every page, including the home page.

    In contrast, the Left-Hand Navigation pane will appear only on webpages that are displayed with a page type template that includes a “left sidebar”. The page templates are explained in greater detail within the Webpart Training document. Left-hand navigation panes are typically reserved for pages that have several child pages beneath them to assist with sub-navigation through the website.

    Links to pages appear in either navigation pane based on the individual page settings, which will be discussed and illustrated later in this document. The offset/depth settings are numeric values attributed to sitemap “levels”. Within the default tree, consider the Portals as level 1, the pages underneath in level 2, and the pages listed under those pages as level 3, etc.


    Metatags are defined as HTML markup code that is applied to website code containing information for search engines. However, the use of metatags has expanded to the social media realm, as well. Most search engines use this information to display a brief description along with a link to the page name in search results. Social media platforms (such as Facebook and Twitter) utilize metatags to incorporate pre-formatted content into links to a website shared via that particular platform.


    As described above, this field dictates the brief description displayed on search engine results for the primary portal site. Limited to 160 characters, this will be displayed under a link to the default portal page in search engine results.


    Due to technological advances in search engine crawlers, keywords no longer assist in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) functions. This field can still be utilized as a free-form organizational asset to help differentiate between multiple portals for back-end users.

    Twitter Creator

    This field is meant to contain an organization’s Twitter User ID (e.g. “enformeweb”, without the @).

    Facebook Admin ID

    This field is meant to contain an organization’s Facebook Profile Admin ID, available by accessing The field “fbtrace_id” will contain this value.

    These fields will input necessary code into the header of a website to assist with the display of content linked from a website to Twitter and Facebook. More information can be found in the Webpart and SEO / CMS training documents.

    Additionally, this article provides a detailed review of social media metadata and its uses.


    The Search section provides two simple fields: a checkbox to enable the Search field within the header of every page and a text field to customize the text displayed over the button next to the search field. This feature allows for users to search an entire website for any relevant information related to their search string.


    The Messages section provides three separate SmartDoc picker fields to customize the messages displayed when users reach a 404 Error Page, a 500 Error Page, as well as Sitewide Messages.

    404 Error Pages

    A 404 Error is displayed to users when they attempt to reach a website address that cannot be found. When a user enters a URL address, or clicks a link to a page they are unauthorized to view, they will be met with a 404 error page. This field allows site administrators to utilize a specific SmartDoc to display a message on all 404 error pages.

    500 Error Pages

    A 500 Error is a generalized error that means something has gone wrong on a website’s server, but the server could not provide a more specific reason for the error. While this is less common than a 404 Error, it may still occur when there is a problem on a site’s hosting server, or if an internal site error has occurred to disallow the display of a particular page. This field allows site administrators to utilize a specific SmartDoc to display a message on all 500 error pages.

    Sitewide Messages

    A sitewide message is a unique type of content that displays at the top of every webpage, unless a user opts to stop viewing the message.

    Name of Field (* = required field) Type of Data Description of Data
    Show Message Checkbox Enable or disable the sitewide message
    Search SmartDoc Picker Specific SmartDoc content to display within the sitewide message field.  HTML Snippets and HTML Code Snippets are typically used in sitewide messages
    Text Hex Color Plaintext Hexadecimal color value attributed to the text within the sitewide message
    Background Hex Color Plaintext Hexadecimal color value attributed to the background of the sitewide message

    Any SmartDoc can be used to populate a sitewide message, but simpler messages are best received by users. Images can be displayed within this field based on the SmartDoc picked. The sitewide message can be utilized for a number of uses, including advertisements or promoting new, unique, or important content on a website.

    Various resources exist to find hexadecimal values for colors to be used as the text and background. Two such sites are:

    • W3 Schools, which provides an intuitive interface, and
    • Color-Hex, which provides unique palettes for specialized styling


    The Analytics settings contains a simple plain-text field to enter the unique Google Analytics code assigned to the site administrator upon creation. A site administrator will need to create a new Analytics account via Google's Analytics homepage. Once the account has been created, Google will provide a tracking code in the form of JavaScript code. This code will need to be entered into the “Enter Analytics” field, and appears similar to this:

    Once entered into the “Enter Analytics” field, this code will be inserted into the site code, and within a few hours information will be collected and available through the administrator’s Google Analytics account.