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  • ecommerce Featured GoSuite WordPress

    Reece Comics

    Reece Comics
    Reece Comics
    Reece Comics
    Reece Comics

    Project Overview

    Project Type Web Design & Development
    Company Reece Comics
    Year 2023


    Reece Comics, a cherished family-owned business, has long been a cornerstone for outstanding customer service and a diverse array of collectibles, including comics and sports cards. After years of patchwork solutions to maintain their website, Reece Comics decided to embark on a comprehensive online infrastructure rebuild with Celerate. The primary objectives for the new website were to elevate search functionality, enhance the user experience, and cultivate a seamless shopping journey.


    In close collaboration with Reece Comics' proprietors, we meticulously crafted a tailored e-commerce solution aimed at addressing the pain points that had plagued their previous website. Our design and development efforts led to a website that supports multiple avenues for product exploration. This includes a comprehensive categorization system for various product types, an advanced search feature, and an efficient filtering system. The new website's flow was engineered for a clean and intuitive experience, ensuring easy navigation from browsing to the final stages of purchase.