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  • GoSuite WordPress

    AHCMC | Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County


    Project Overview

    Project Type Web Design & Development
    Company Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County
    Year 2019


    The Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC) cultivates and supports excellence in the arts and humanities with the help and support of the surrounding community. AHCMC provides funding and assistance to local artists through grants, advertising and a wide variety of useful resources. They also manage marketing hubs and campaigns for a variety of art exhibitions and events. When Celerate was selected to rebuild AHCMC’s web presence from the ground-up, it was important to emphasize and improve AHCMC’s grant application process while also providing new ways to showcase services and marketing efforts.


    Celerate worked closely with AHCMC’s marketing team to develop a new look and feel for the website. Web components were developed to be interchangeable to allow for dynamic page layouts. The Grants section was revamped to be easy to navigate and more informative. Celerate also developed a step-by-step grants eligibility quiz to help users determine if they qualify for particular grants. In addition, Celerate integrated AHCMC’s CultureSpot events listings, as well as designed and developed a series of gallery exhibition pages to showcase past and upcoming exhibitions. The resulting website design has a fresh, modern look and structural flexibility.