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  • GoSuite Learning GoSuite

    Violin Practice


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    Violin Practice
    Violin Practice
    Violin Practice
    Violin Practice

    Project Overview

    Project Type GoSuite
    Company Violin Practice
    Year 2023 - Present


    Rebecca Henry and Phyllis Freeman of Violin Practice, a company dedicated to advancing music education, sought Celerate's expertise to overhaul their outdated Learning Management System (LMS). The previous website's appearance and functionality were severely outdated, resulting in a poor user experience for students. The disorganized course curriculum, caused by the system's infrastructure, lacked a clear path for student development. With thousands of training videos needing better organization, users struggled to find the content they needed. Additionally, the member portal frequently malfunctioned, failing to update user accounts upon subscription payments.


    Violin Practice’s new website, built on the GoSuite LMS, delivers a seamless experience for students navigating through courses. We restructured their course curriculum to provide a clear path to completion. The enhanced course player enables students to complete entire curriculums without leaving the page as well as offering supporting videos, images, and PDFs for each lesson. Ultimately, Violin Practice received a modern, user-friendly website with an improved LMS course player and enhanced membership features, positioning them for future growth.