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  • Custom Development

    SfN Search

    SfN Search
    SfN Search
    SfN Search

    Project Overview

    Project Type Website Design & Development
    Company Society for Neuroscience
    Year 2020


    AI-powered search results for neuroscience content across multiple websites

    Elegantly displaying relevant results from multiple sources to different audiences in an elevated search experience.

    • The project required a custom search solution for 3 large-scale websites serving different content types and use cases. We also needed to index decades of journal articles from external sources and databases of archived annual meeting content.
    • We worked with each SfN site team to define requirements and gain relevant insights from SME’s. We integrated our GoSuite search engine with Sitecore to deliver highly relevant results for each site property.
    • The search experience remains branded for each site while delivering relevant search results and offering filtering tools. Positive reviews from members and staff who use the powerful tool daily to quickly find content.